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December 10, 2021 Release

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software version(s) unless otherwise noted in the release note:

  • Version 19.4
  • Version 20.11

The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note

EFIN-68494TX TEAM - New Member Contributions corrections

The following issues were addressed regarding New Member Contribution in the Texas TEAM Report:

Corrected situation where an employee with new member contribution and a last day worked in the current month would not report the new member contribution amount.

  • Changed the date check to properly clear a new member contribution and write a message to the error log when an employee with a new member contribution has a last date worked in a previous month. The error log messages should be a reminder to correct the fringe amount allocated for the employee’s new member contribution.

  • Added an additional check to the deduction stop date of the new member deduction. Similar to the last day worked, if the new member deduction stop date is in a previous month, an error is logged, and the new member contribution is cleared from the TEAM RP record.

EFIN-69646TX TEAM Stat Min Calculation - Final Check In the Texas TEAM report load, the Statutory Minimum amount correctly was not calculated correctly for some employees with a final pay in the month. This has been corrected. 
EFIN-69795TX TEAM - Stat Min Calculation - Only Check in Month is First Check

In the Texas TEAM report load, the Statutory Minimum amount was not calculated correctly for some employees with a single pay in the month for their first check. This has been corrected.

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