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December 2022 Major Release - 19.4.67, 20.11.48, 22.4.10

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software version unless otherwise noted in the release note:


The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note

EFIN-91170Configuration and Navigation to DEX Software

To prepare for future EdFi reporting requirements, a new security resource has been added so that the same can be assigned to the user to view the DEX menu item and launch the DEX software. Once the DEX District settings are configured at the Environment Settings level, the user will be able to launch the DEX software successfully from PowerSchool ERP. This supports future implementation as the EdFi reporting is implemented for each district.

This is for Version 20.11 and 22.4.

EFIN-91286New DEX user security resource added in preparation for TX EdFi Reporting

To prepare for future EdFi reporting requirements, a new security resource has been added to the system. The new resource for the DEX package is 32000 and will allow a user to launch the DEX software from the menu item PowerSchool ERP > e-Forms and Tools > Tools >DEX Cloud Launch. The menu item will not appear when the user is not assigned the new resource. The DEX software will also need to be configured for the software to launch successfully. The configuration of the DEX software will be completed in the future as the EdFi reporting is implemented for each district.

This is for Version 20.11 and 22.4.

EFIN-92525TRS / TEAMS not calculating days worked correctlyThe TEAM Load is modified to calculate days worked directly based on the FTE from the TEAM defaults screen instead of splitting the days across multiple positions.
If an FTE value is not set, the total days worked will be printed on each position.
EFIN-92587TEAM hours upload process is changing start dates on the submitted ED40 recordsIn the Texas TEAM actual hours upload, the process changed the start dates on the ED40 records marked as submitted, causing errors with TRS. The process is now modified to create an ED45 record to bring the contract's start date in line with the first day worked if the ED40 is marked as submitted.
EFIN-93676TX TEAM - Correct Error Message for Submission in Current MonthThe TEAM load has been corrected to only output an error when a submitted position record already exists for the current month. Previously, records from prior months that were submitted would incorrectly cause this error condition. This resulted in ED45s not being created when they should have and on-the-fly ED40 records being created instead.
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