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July 2023 Release - 19.4.79, 20.11.60, 22.4.22

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software version unless otherwise noted in the release note:




The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note


Allow TEAM Load to end position records with current pay if the pay rate’s pay end date is in the current month

This change will override an existing code functionality that prevents an ED40 from ending with an ED45 if the employee is paid for that position code in the month. This was originally done to allow the employee to continue being paid on that position record until no more pay is received. However, this would delay the ED45 to the next month’s report.
If the pay rate’s pay end date is within the month, then the employee must not be receiving any more pay for that position, and it is safe to end the position.

This change does not apply to version


Corrected the values in the search drop-down boxes in the Budget Preparation Organization Chart

On the Budget Preparation > Reference Tables > Organization Chart page, the values in the drop-down boxes are duplicated when a user performs a search more than once. This issue has been fixed.

This change does not apply to versions and


Corrected False Out of Balance Warnings on Expenditure Ledger Audit Trail when Full Account Structure is enabled

While creating the Expenditure Ledger Audit Trail report for a year outside the current fiscal year, the false Out of Balance error occurred when the Full Account Structure feature is enabled.

If a budget unit found in the report did not exist for the current fiscal year, the report fails to generate a full account value which would interfere with the totaling done in the report, causing an Out of Balance error.

This issue has been corrected to use the ledger record’s fiscal year, and not the Fund Accounting Profile fiscal year when building the full account value.

This change does not apply to versions and


Corrected the Full Account Display in Ledgers for Records Outside of the Current Fiscal Year when Full Account Structure is enabled

Corrected an issue where the Expenditure, Revenue, General Ledgers, and Distribution Templates are displayed as blanks because the full account for the records in years is outside the current fiscal year in the Fund Accounting Profile. This issue occurred for the records where the budget unit did not exist in the current fiscal year but existed in the ledger record’s fiscal year.

This change does not apply to versions and


Corrected the create new year ledger option to check for organization and account crosswalk when the Fund Only setting is NO

Added a check while running the create new year ledger for the organization and account crosswalk tables when the Fund Account Profile fund-only option is set to NO.

This change does not apply to versions and


Corrected the display of full account for the districts with yearly Organization Chart changes

The full account strings are displayed incorrectly if the associated organization chart record did not exist in the current fiscal year. Changes have been made to the method of displaying the full account value.

This change does not apply to versions and


Fatal error in the Auditor File Report

Fatal error while opening the Auditor File when using the full account option with a translation set for revenue, expenditure, and general ledger in the fund accounting profile. This issue has been fixed.

This change does not apply to versions and


Fatal error while loading the PEIMS Budget Information

A fatal error while loading the PEIMS Budget Information has been fixed when various levels in the translation tables have null values.

This change does not apply to versions and


Corrected the Fund Accounting year-end process (Interim close) to check for an organization chart and organization crosswalk when the Fund Only setting is NO

Added a check for the organization chart and crosswalk tables to the Fund Accounting year-end process (Interim close) when the Fund Accounting Profile fund-only option is NO.

This change does not apply to versions and


For pending employees, Pay Rates will display organization records irrespective of the fiscal year set in the HRM profile

Pay Rates in Employee Information will display the organization records for pending employees irrespective of the fiscal year set in the HRM profile.

This change does not apply to versions and


Display the organization charging records irrespective of the fiscal year set in the HRM profile in Effective Date Changes

Pay Rates in Effective Date Changes will display the organization charging records irrespective of the fiscal year set in the HRM profile.

This change does not apply to versions and


TX - PK Teacher Requirement correction in PEIMS Summer Submission XML file

A correction has been made to the PEIMS Staff Summer Submission XML file so that the PK Teacher Requirement reports the correct value from the employee record.

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