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March 2023 Minor Release - 20.11.55, 22.4.17

Resolved Issue

These changes have been released in the following software version unless otherwise noted in the release note:


The following issue has been resolved:



Release Note

EFIN-99058TX Ed-Fi - Manual Staff Load

The Texas Education Agency (TEA) has decided to replace all the state data collection systems using Ed-Fi technology. Data for these reports are obtained from the Student Information Systems (SIS) and ERP/Finance products, including PowerSchool ERP.

To support all the Ed-Fi implementations in Texas, the DEX Cloud, a shared services solution built on Azure is used as an extension to the products such as PowerSchool ERP. Also, DEX Cloud validates and publishes the customer data using the Ed-Fi web services to deliver to a state or district-hosted Ed-Fi ODS.

Using the Ed-Fi technology, the user can load the Staff data manually to replicate them in the DEX table. With the upcoming releases, the user can send the replicated staff data from DEX to Ed-Fi.

A Load option is added on the Staff Information page to allow the user to load the staff data manually in the DEX tables and report the same to Ed-Fi. Using the load option, user can also load the Contracted Professional Staff information.

Ensure that the path to the latest data file is mentioned on the Load Information page.

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